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Viendo 15 debates - del 16 al 30 (de un total de 43)

I truly love VIM – it’s one of only a handful of applications I’ve every come across that make you feel warm and fuzzy ...


What is the best way of implementing a cache for a PHP site? Obviously, there are some things that shouldn’t be cached (for example ...

I’m looking for an easy to use, reasonably complete form validation solution for php. I recall using one years ago that used a few tags ...


How can I make a Facebook RSS application that autoupdates from the provided RSS feeds. Of course doing this is trivial for canvas ...

I have little knowledge of Flash but for a little Flash game I have to store score and successful tries of users in a database using PHP. Now ...

Currently we have a hybrid ASP/PHP setup connecting to a SQL Server 2005 database. But all the query work is done on the client side, ...

I’m considering supporting both Textile and Markdown on a current project. I would prefer not forcing users to choose one or the other. ...

The PHP documentation can be found here, but I think it’s rather lacking. There are no examples of how to use these functions, and few ...

We currently use a hand-rolled setup and configuration script and a hand-rolled continuous integration script to build and deploy our ...

I’m quoting part of an answer which I received for another question of mine:

In the PHP/MySQL world I would say stored ...

I’ve created a code to change a password. Now it seem contain an error. When I fill in the form to change password, and click save the ...

Like many projects, we deploy to many environments, QA, UA, Developer trunks, etc..

What is the best way to store sensitive ...

Sessions in PHP seemed to have changed since the last time I used them, so I’m looking for a simple way of using sessions but at the ...

Sorry for confusing title. This program should take the letter in a string and add the word ‘List’ so that it can find the 2 list ...

I’m writing a C++ client which is using libcurl for communicating with a PHP script.

The communication should be session based, ...

Viendo 15 debates - del 16 al 30 (de un total de 43)